Protect yourself from eavesdropping , hidden camera and Hidden transmitters. This rapid deployment kit features 4 J1000 white noise generators a DD804 RF , cell phone and GPS detector and a SF103-P spy camera finder. Each unit , used individually is a formidable weapon against covert surveillance. Use all 3 at once and get the best benefits of each one as well as the combined power of all three, protecting you. Never look for a single unit to take just grab the case and everything you may need is ready at your fingertips. Each unit has its own place in the cfase so you know right away if you have forgotten a device before you go.
The Ultimate kit for evesdropping, J1000 helps prevent someone from recording converstaions, the DD804 is a mutlit use RF detetion device and the Spyfinder pro will help find camera lenses even when not transmitting.
Protection from eavesdropping meets the blended performance of this handheld, battery operate White Noise Generator. The J1000 creates an additional barrier of noise interference, reaching out farther than other models, making it possible to mask your conversation when confidentiality is necessary.
- Detects all GSM Bugs including Baby-Monitors/GSM Alarm/GSM Bugs
- Detects all Cellular GSM/GPRS/EDGE/3G/4G Video Cameras & Listening Bugs
- Detection Frequencies: GSM 880-915MHz, CDMA 824-849MHz, WCDMA (1920-1980MHz), and DCS (1710-1785MHz)
- Detects Transmitting Spy Phones
- Detects GPS Trackers while Transmitting
- Detects Bluetooth Active Bugging Devices
- Detects Spy Phones with Active Bluetooth/Wi-Fi
- Ultra Sensitive will detect signals from up to 40 feet
- Features 10 bar strength display